Difference Between Observability and Monitoring

What’s the Difference Between Observability and Monitoring

Application monitoring is of paramount importance to developers when debugging and diagnosing system problems. If you’re a mobile developer, you’re probably familiar with monitoring platforms that can help you understand these issues and identify bugs that affect your app’s user experience. Get in touch with the best mobile app development company in USA

But technology is advancing. Monitoring is still essential, but developers need deeper insights if your app crashes or doesn’t work correctly. The mobile app industry is rapidly moving to a decentralised serverless architecture. This means you can no longer rely on older surveillance technology as you used to. 

Difference between observability and monitoring 

Difference between observability and monitoring

What is Monitoring? 

Application monitoring ensures that your app’s system functions correctly, including factors such as speed and scale. Monitoring tools like Instabug are ideal for monitoring your app in the background, so developers don’t have to watch their system manually constantly. Based on predefined metrics, such tools collect and analyse data that track your app’s ability to reach your goals. 

Detects known failure modes because the metric monitoring tool predetermines what needs to be searched. Monitoring works best when the problem is predictable. This includes different system errors, but it does not always provide the necessary context to imagine a solution quickly. However, it helps track long-term trends in your code. If the problem is consistent and sometimes doesn’t just affect the few users you choose, this will show you where the problem is and what you can do about it. 

What is Observability? 

However, in a distributed system, app failures are not very linear. The more complex your app, the harder it is to predict and identify known failure modes and metrics that alert you when problems occur. It is important to note that monitoring is only possible if the system is reasonably observable. Both types of tools inspect for issues in your app, complement each other and help your software run as smoothly as possible. One provides insight into the situation, and the other delves into the cause. 

A Brief History of Observability 

The concept of observability is not limited to programming IT and mobile applications. Engineer Rudolph Kalman came up with this idea while explaining his famous control theory. Since then, it has been incorporated into signal processing in other areas. Decades later, developers at large tech companies began to consider their products “observable” and encouraged other engineers to do the same. This is an old concept, but it has recently become commonplace in the tech world. 

Observable pillars 


As mentioned earlier, observable tools collect three types of data called observable pillars. They are: 

Metrics are aggregated readings over some time. They can show long-term patterns. The number of requests your app receives per second. Observable metrics can be subdivided into measurements, deltas, and cumulative metrics.  

Gauge metrics measure values ​​at specific points in time. Delta metrics help you calculate the difference between your current and previous measurements and monitor changes. The cumulative metric shows the number of changes over time. 


Log entries are related to application-specific events such as B. Complete a general task or start a process. These entries are time-stamped and immutable, so they record what is happening in the system. Logs help you understand why your system may behave unexpectedly. If you encounter a problem, you can see the query running when the error occurred and narrow down the root cause of the problem to the most probable event. Metrics and logs complement each other to provide as much context as possible. 


Traces (or distributed traces) help you monitor the performance of your distributed system. Often, each microservice has its logs and metrics, and it’s challenging to track requests between microservices without a way to see how they behave. By visualising the traces between nodes, you can trace individual requests across complex environments.

Comparison Contrast 

Observability and surveillance have a symbiotic relationship, but it can be helpful to look at the differences between them and how they work together. Monitoring will tell you what is happening in a system failure, and observability will tell you why. However, observability is new to developers because it can monitor almost any application, and observable systems should be designed. However, making the system monitorable helps identify problems on a large scale and generate metrics, but it is difficult to monitor on a broader scale and captures only the metrics. 

Essential monitoring functions include server CPU monitoring, network traffic monitoring, error rate pattern detection, slow page warnings, and access logs to see how long a standard request takes. This type of information gives developers an accurate picture of system performance. If you run into problems with your monitoring platform, you know it’s time to scrutinise. Observable tools such as Instabug that use a variety of telemetry resources to summarise the status of your application can provide this more profound insight. Reach out to us for the best mobile app development services in USA.  

Why are observability and surveillance critical? 

Hopefully, you can understand the difference between observability and surveillance better, but the other question is why you care about both. Is it unnecessary to keep the app running? Not-monitoring and observability tools are essential to getting high-performance apps that consumers use.  If an app crashes or is delayed frequently, users may give up and move to another app. Losing a customer is costly, depending on advertising revenue or subscription payments. Complaining about the App Store review feature is a nightmare for all developers. The smoother your app runs, the better your customer acquisition and retention, and the higher your bottom line.  

What tools do you need? 

Many digital tools provide monitoring and observability capabilities. When deciding which platform is suitable for you and your app’s needs, it’s essential to consider what you can do with that platform. Do you provide both performance monitoring and management? What about crashes and bug reports? It’s also essential to continue debugging throughout the development process, not just immediately after launching the product and giving it to the user. Contact the best mobile app development agency in USA.  



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